Backed by the TYPO3 Association

In November 2004 a group of longstanding contributors from the TYPO3 community, including Kasper Skårhøj, founded a non-profit organization called the TYPO3 Association. Since then, the Association has continued to drive TYPO3 development and foster community.
Goals and Objectives
The Association’s overall goal is to promote TYPO3 and ensure the ongoing success and growth of the project. Specifically, the goals of the Association include:
- supporting ongoing development of the TYPO3 core
- organizing and sponsoring TYPO3-related events
- education and certification, to ensure quality service
- promoting the use and adoption of TYPO3
The TYPO3 Association depends heavily on the contribution of the users and developers who wish to support the project. Make a donation to the TYPO3 Association to help them continue their work!